Ms. Madi is 4 months old! She weighed in at 8lbs and 8 oz last week. She had her first cold as well. We took her to the doctor after two pretty bad days of coughing and the doctor did an RSV test on her, which came out positive. My mom was with her and the dr was pretty distressed at this result since we had decided not to continue the RSV vaccination (at $1700 a shot) so after re-testing her, luckily the subsquent tests came back negative. Not sure what happened in the lab, but it was a moment of concern. She is still not pooping as much as she should but we have phased her off of the Zantac. At this point, she is gaining weight, so I would rather not keep shoving medication into her.
She is laughing so much more now and I just melt everytime she smiles. With her, I am getting more of an infant stage and I think I am getting spoiled. I want her to stay a baby forever. She loves staring at her sisters and being outside. She still wakes up a 2-3 times a night, but she nurses and goes right back to sleep immediately, so I am finally getting sleep.