Thursday, April 9, 2009

this girl knows how to sound out words

Makaela has become very chatty lately, but not a whole lot makes sense. Her baby sign language has helped us communicate, but now we need to take it to the next level. Since I've been sick, I've noticed her mimicking me more and more. When I sneeze, she makes a sneezing sound. When I sniffle, she sniffles and snorts (didn't know I sounded that bad!) We have also been doing this with our speaking. She tries to mimic me when I tell her a word. Sometimes the word sound close, other times not at all. Today, when I was getting her dressed, I was trying to get her to say the word "feet". So, I said the word and she said something totally inaudible. Then, like a good English teacher, I sound it out phonetically and very slowly, "FFFF eet". So what does my genius of a daughter do? She goes, "FFFF" and signs the word "eat".

uhh, why didn't I think of that.


  1. That is so awesome Jenn! She is getting so big. I'm glad to see you guys are doing great & I love reading your blog. Makes me miss Hawaii :( but...looks like you guys won't be there too much longer either.
