Saturday, September 15, 2012

Makaela's Merida Birthday

Makaela's birthday party theme this year was focused on the "Brave" movie.  We made up Brave party invitations and decorated the house in the Brave colors. My parents bought Makaela a Princess Merida costume for the occasion so we also have a Halloween costume to boot.  (We all had lots of fun with that wig.)

Matt and I decided to buy a bouncy house since renting them is so expensive. Now that we will be having three bday parties a year, buying a bouncy house will pay for itself in two uses. We are so glad we did! The kids bounced the majority of the party and it is small enough that even the toddlers could negotiate it with ease (the one year olds were following the larger kids and we had some flying toddlers :-) The parents were able to watch the kids from inside the screened room and the house while the kids occupied themselves.

The neighborhood girls
Later, we had some freeze dance and it amused the parents more than the kids :-)

Mia had her dance card filled

And the cake that everyone wanted to touch and "feel" the grass.

 As the party wound down, the kids couldn't resist busting into some of the arts and crafts gifts. Kept them quiet and busy- best gifts ever!!

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