Yesterday I woke up feeling absolutely miserable. My temperature was higher than normal, but just shrugged it off to nerves since I had my proposal meeting at 12. By 8am, my temp was at 101, had chills and my head was throbbing. Matt tried to convince me to cancel my proposal meeting but getting 5 professors to agree on a common time was hard enough. I made it through the 2 hour 15 minute meeting with many revisions: 2 totally new research questions, a brand new theoretical framework, two different data collection and analysis methods and a different direction altogether. I think all these revisions came about from my lack of strength to argue with these professors, but all in all, I'm glad to have them come to a consensus about what my study should be and have a plan for me to move forward. I did find out today that I need a new professor to join my committee seeing as how my SPED professor doesn't quite count as an outside program professor (some stupid rule that you need to have a professor outside our program to sit on the committee). Anyway, got home, picked up Kaela and proceeded to sprawl out on my livingroom floor battling chills and profuse sweating-seriously one moment my house felt like the icy tundra, the next, the Sahara. Six of my friends are horribly ill as well. Kaela was an absolute doll though. She kind of picked up on my lack of energy and watched "The Little Mermaid" or as she calls it "Awreal" three times. She was so great that I felt guilty plopping her in front of the TV. Later last night, I ended up waking up drenched in bed-guess my fever finally broke and it did...all over my bed. Gotta love it.