Friday, July 22, 2011

Marine Center Field Trip #3

We had another interesting field trip today. We headed to the Marine Center and Makaela learned about all sorts of things. We learned about hydroponics and how fish poop could feed and grow plants (this both fascinated and freaked her out), we learned about different native marine species to Hawaii and tide pools.
Makaela got to do some gyotaku- the ancient art of using fish scales to imprint an image on paper. We got to use a fake fish instead of a real one and we painted the fish on her shirt instead of on paper. This practice came about because fishermen would tell tale tales about the fish they caught, so as proof, they would paint the fish and make an imprint so they had proof. Kinda cool. Then Makaela learned about hermit crabs and how to distinguish between the common ones we could find in Hawaii. She got to touch them and I was amazed at how brave she was; apparently so was she.

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