Saturday, February 7, 2009

thoughts on motherhood

Makaela and I met up with a few friends and their babies for a pool day and it's so odd how quickly things change. I didn't get to sunbathe, didn't get to read, didn't even get to swim. As I envied all childless sunbathers for being able to escape into a book totally uninterrupted, I chased a dancing, little yellow-polka-dot-bikini-ed munchkin around the pool perimeter. Tonight (a Saturday night) I spent folding baby clothes and doing grad homework (that I can't possibly get done during the day)- a far cry from what I would have been doing on a Saturday night before motherhood. I guess once motherhood begins, your previous life ends...this is not a bad thing, just different. When you can actually act out your previous life- those few stolen moments of uninhibited selfishness, you appreciate those moments more. When you see your child do something new, you appreciate the potential that lies in something so precious and young. And when your child goes to sleep, you appreciate the quiet moments you have by yourself; something that would have never happened pre-motherhood because the speakers in the bar were too damn loud.

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