Thursday, January 3, 2013

Left the hospital just to get sick

No sooner did I get home, did I come down with a cold. I had felt a little tickle in my throat and asked my doctor for an antibiotic, but I have gotten progressively worse.  I guess this cold just needs to run its course because I did not respond to the antibiotic at all. And while I have no fever, I have the chills, the cold sweats, the constant coughing and basically I feel like my head is made up entirely of snot (lovely thought huh?)  The biggest problem with being sick is that it keeps me out of the NICU.  Because the babies' immune systems are so fragile, if you are sick, you can't get in.  Totally understandable, but I wish I could wish away this cold.  Because I didn't have a fever and my neighbor works there, I was allowed in.  The first full day I was home, I went up at nightime (the nurses are a bit more lax) and just sat across the room from her staring. My stay was limited to one hour because I didn't want to press my luck.  The next day I went up with Matt but let him do all the cuddling.  By the following day, my cold was full blown so I stayed away completely and by the next day, my cold still wasn't any better and I was overly emotional about not being able to see her.  Matt told Irina (our neighbor) what was going on and the nurses told me to come in and wear a mask, so last night I ventured up at 8pm, mask and all, and as soon as I picked her up, my nose unstuffed, my coughing was nonexistent and I felt like a million dollars.  I got to give her a sponge bath (she hates it but loves to have her hair washed...what girl doesn't?), I got to nurse her for the first time (she's a little chomper and latched on right away) and then got to snuggle her as she fell asleep.  As soon as I put her back in her bed, my coughing started up again and I knew it was time to leave.  I guess I just needed some Madi-medicine.

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