Thursday, August 19, 2010

Latest Ultrasound

Today I had another ultrasound to check the baby's growth and to make sure she is on track and growing proportionally. The ultrasound tech said that she is developing wonderfully and she is actually larger than most babies at this point. Around this time, babies should be 2.4-2.6 lbs and Mia is approximately 2.10 lbs, putting her in the 61st percentile for weight. The tech couldn't guesstimate her height because she is too curled up at this point. The doctor (ultrasound doctor) is going to have me come in again in 6 weeks just to be sure that we are still on track, but at this point, he doesn't see the need to recommend me for an early delivery. That is exactly what I was hoping to hear.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad to hear that baby Mia is healthy!!! Can't wait to meet her :)
