Thursday, July 8, 2010

Our latest ultrasound

Matt and I had another ultrasound today and our baby is growing wonderfully. She is about 15 oz right now and it right on schedule. She looks very healthy and active. Her personality seemed to come through as she went from playing peek-a-boo with us to flipping us off...literally (wonder which parent she takes after?). My hematoma is almost gone, but the technician did notice that I have succenturiate placenta. A normal placenta is in one piece and oblong in shape, but I have two parts, almost like a water balloon being bent in the middle. Only problem is that when this water balloon is bent, the water (or nutrients) can flow between the two as easily. So, the doctor said that they need to monitor the baby's growth to make sure she is still getting nutrients and growing at a decent pace. I go back for another ultrasound in 6 weeks. Googling the condition made me a bit nervous, but on the bright side, we get to see her almost every month.
Here she is playing peek-a-boo

Here she is sucking her thumb

Here she is flipping us off.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad to see that everything is going well with Baby "M!" Keep updating the blog so I can see how you are doing now that I'm no longer an office chair role away from you :)
