Monday, August 8, 2011

The Ducotes!!

Again, we were trying to take advantage of being in Texas as a way to see all our friends, so we

contacted the Ducotes. They recently moved to Houston (about 4 hours away from Dallas), so Lisa found a waterpark for us to meet up at in Waco. The place was great. With the heat, we really needed a place to stay cool. The pools had water features like slides and fountains for
Makaela to play in and a small toddler area for Joseph and Mia to crawl around in. It was so great to see Joseph and Mia together. The two were babbling to each other and took turns trying to pull the others' hair. It was great.
After the water park, we headed out to Cracker Barrel after getting lost in downtown Waco and then getting spun around on the Texas turnabouts. It was a really cute place and I found out that both Mia and myself love chicken n dumplins. Poor Joseph ended up choking on Mia's stars and losing half hid dinner, but the boy is all smiles and it didn't seem to upset him at all (wish we could say the same for the adults).
Then as we were talking about Mia's blowout in the Rainforest Cafe and laughing about Matt's shirt being chucked, I went to go pick up Mia to change her diaper before the car ride home and found myself in the same situation. To make matters worse, we had left the wipes in the car! Luckily Lisa was there to save us with her supply. Matt was threatening to buy me the ugliest shirt he could find (and if you know Cracker Barrel and the bedazzled shirts with deer and ducks on the, I was scared) so I just walked out in my undershirt. There were lots of laughs after that incident.

It was sad to say bye to the Ducotes, but once we move back East, we'll be heading to
houston for visits.

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