Thursday, November 4, 2010

Mia's Arrival

On November 4th, I woke up knowing I was going to have my baby that day. I started having contractions on Tuesday night and by yesterday I had decided that I was not going to return to work today. I actually had a C section consult at 11am, but since I was having contractions, I was unsure if I should go to the appointment. I called Steph to ask her advice and we decided that she would pick me up and we would head to the appointment and perhaps that doctor would admit me b/c I was in labor. Well, between prepping for all the stuff I needed to do, we got to the hospital late and I missed my appt so we headed up to labor and delivery. After sitting in the waiting room for about an hour, I was checked and admitted because I was 7cm dilated. The odd thing was, my contractions were so mild, the nurses kept saying, "you look entirely too calm for being 7cm dilated and in labor". I had also asked the doctor to check my amniotic fluid since the doctors forgot to do it last time and we found out that my fluid was "grossly low" and it could lead to "fetal demise" (very scary words to hear when you are in labor), so the doctor said we were getting the baby out tonight! I was finally going to meet Mia.
By the time I was moved into my labor and delivery suite, most of my "doulas" were present. Steph and Dylan escorted me in, Lisa and Amy (my real doula) met us in triage, Katie caught up to us as we were walking to the suite and then Monica arrived. Around 4pm, the doctor came in to break my water and within an hour, the contractions got more intense. I was so lucky to have my girlfriends around me because they told the doctors what I wanted and didn't want, kept me distracted with fun gossip and baby stories and did their best to get in contact with Matt, which enabled him to be "present" during the delivery.
By 8-9 cms the contractions were really bad and I couldn't get out of bed because I had to keep the fetal monitor on me, so I asked for the epidural. About 10 minutes after the epidural, I asked to go to the bathroom and the nurses checked me and we gave a test push. Mia's heart rate dropped so we eased off the pushing to let her recover. Doctors came in about 45 minutes later and it was decided I should push. Again, her heart rate decreased so doctors panicked a bit and pulled out the vacuum. I was very nervous, but luckily she was right there so they only needed the vacuum for one major push and Mia Ann arrived after 8 minutes of pushing!
Matt got to listen during the entire delivery and coach me over the phone when Monica wasn't giving him a play by play update. Katie emailed him a video of the delivery immediately and he got to see her minutes after her birth- love technology!
I had been worried that Mia was going to be too small due to my split placenta, but she was a healthy 7 lbs 2.8 ounces
I was amazed at all of her hair!
Because Matt was not around, Monica got the honors of cutting the umbilical cord. Mia is going to have some serious ties to her aunties.
Mia talking to her daddy for the first time. Overall it was such an amazing experience. After having a C section with Makaela, I was so relieved that I could have a natural childbirth. Afterward, I had such a surge of energy, I spent almost the entire night staring at her. Already, I'm in love.

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