Thursday, December 30, 2010

The flight home

We started our trek back to Hawaii at 4:30am. Both my suitcases were over 50lbs (thanks to the crazy amount of Christmas toys I was carting back with us), but luckily the skycap took pity on me and let me pass without charging me extra for the weight. Getting through security was again stressfully comical: me trying to juggle and infant, grab all our belongings, corral a toddler in the right direction and drag a stroller all while shoeless. Yet, there are so many kind souls out there, it's amazing. We met so many kind travelers while we were going to NY, it is amazing that we had the same experience coming home. So many people offered to help. Some man carried all my stuff over to us so I could get Makaela's shoes on. Later, a woman offered to watch our stuff while I ran to buy Makaela some food (in hind sight, leaving my belongings with a complete stranger in NY was not the brightest idea, but I could see our stuff from the food kiosk, so I thought it wasn't too bad), and the flight attendants changed our seats so we could have a double seat and not have to be by a stranger (which this breast feeding mama totally appreciated). Then when we got to Hawaii, some guy lifted all my overweight luggage off the belt for me and then watching me struggle with all the my stuff, another man took one of my suitcases and his wife pushed Makaela's stroller out to the street for me. Monica then picked us up and kept Makaela overnight so I could get unpacked and get Mia adjusted. Makaela was thrilled about seeing Brooke. Overall, the trip, even though I was dreading it, was great. I can honestly say that my girls are amazing fliers. Mia cried twice for no longer than 20 seconds and Makaela totally entertained herself. I actually got to sleep on the way home!!

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