Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Circus Night

With Matt being an Individual Augmentee from the Navy (meaning he went by himself, not a whole command), I have been assigned an IA Liason, Diane. She and the other liasons organize family events to get people networking and to just give the parents a break. This month was a circus themed party. Makaela kept asking me if there were going to be lions and elephants and I had to explain that it was just a party- then she asked if there was going to be cake. Oh, that girl. She was beside herself when she realized there was an airbrush artist (otherwise known as the tatoo lady).

Makaela enjoyed all the games too. She was literally at the craft tables until they closed down the party. Mia charmed everyone and stole the show. She had more men in camo making goofy faces, blowing kisses and pinching her cheeks than any other lady there. Overall, it was a great night.

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