Sunday, March 31, 2013

Spring Break Fun

I decided to keep the girls out of school during Spring Break so we could get some bonding time, to go to all our routine doctor appointments and to save on some daycare costs.  I had some big plans, but I was overzealous.  I did get to do two of the big ticket items I wanted to get done: getting to the zoo for DinoTrek and pottytraining Mia! The first few days of potty training were interesting. Day one was amazing- she did great.  Then day 2 and 3 were progressively worse. We actually made it to the toilet only twice on day 3 and I was ready to give up.  I remembered I experienced the same issues with Makaela (actually I remember calling my friend Claudia on the verge on tears and she told me to just stick it out and sure enough, Makaela was pretty much trained by day 4).  Luckily, Mia followed in her sisters footsteps and by day 4, it was smooth sailing. Mia has had very minimal accidents and when she has, it has been because she had trouble taking her pants down or the toilet seat being down. On Wednesday, we ventured out to the zoo and Mia was dry the entire time. At the giraffes, she started saying "Pee pee" and we booked it through the crowds trying to find a restroom. Some people must have sympathized with me because I got a bunch of pity smiles.  She ended up holding it until we found an empty restroom. That was a proud mama moment.  
some slide fun at the zoo

Makaela as a leopard

Makaela as a chicken

climbing through the paleontalogist shelter

Discovering fossils

Mia was a bit scared of the dinosaur roars, but they both loved scouting the dinosaurs out amongst the trees

Now Mia is about 70% trained and only wears a diaper/pull up during nap time and sleeping.  I think she stores up her poop though (yes TMI) because she seems to have a surprise for me when we wake up all the time.  Still, it is a big improvement and I love seeing how proud she is of herself.  She going around getting high fives from everyone and jumps up and says, "I did it, I did it!"  So proud of her.

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