Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy Two Months Madi

Madi turned two months on Feb 28th, but she is more like a three week old in her behavior.  She is still sleeping the majority of the day and is still the ultimate cuddle monster. She doesn't care what is going on, so long as she is being held and snuggled. Two weeks ago she started experiencing major reflux which made feeding her a very long process.  After a bottle, she would throw up for the next hour or so until she fell asleep. We couldn't lay her down, because it was instantaneous throwing up. I've joke that I feel she has an ejection button on her back- the moment she is put down on it, it ejects other stuff.  I didn't rush her to the doctor because she has been such a pleasant baby.  She is not a constant crier from gas and even when she does throw up, she doesn't cry about it (she cries when she gets her diaper changed or when she is cold).  As a result, I have started spoiling her and she now sleeps solely in my arms.  In bed, she sleeps in the crook of my arm so I can prop her up or if we sleep on the couch, she sleeps on my lap propped on her boppy.  Needless to say, I am not getting a lot of sleep (although I do love sleeping next to her- there is something about snuggling with a baby that makes the moments you do get sleep, the best ever). 
During this "photo session" she throw up constantly so we had to have a few outfit changes. 
 When I brought her in for her well visit, she only weighed 6 lbs 11 oz which is only 7 oz more than she weighed at her one month well visit.  The doctor was not happy.  It's been difficult to get her to gain weight because she is throwing up all the time, so the doctor prescribed Zantac for her and from the first day, it has made a world of difference.  She is only having minor spit ups now and feeding is so much quicker.
 Such a cutie! We love her so much- throw up and all :-)

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