Monday, October 4, 2010

34 weeks!

Today I went for yet another ultrasound to see how little Mia is doing and to check on my placenta. As a wrote a two weeks ago, my doctor was a bit worried that I had only gained one pound from my 28 week appt to my 32 week appt and then yesterday when I weighed myself, I was back down to my 28 week weight.

So, being the over-analyzer that I am, I woke up two nights ago in a panic worried that I would be heading to the ultrasound and not leaving the hospital because doctors would find some strange reason to deliver the baby early. I was in a panic because I didn't have any bags packed, no baby clothes laundered, nor did I have the baby supplies ready to go. Needless to say, this past weekend, I did many loads of laundry and packed the hospital bag, the diaper bag, typed out Makaela, dog, fish and house directions for whichever lovely friend comes to my rescue and so I went to my ultrasound slightly more prepared.

The ultrasound showed that Mia is doing fine. She has definitely slowed down her growing though. At 28 weeks she was in the 63rd percentile for her weight and now she is down to the 40th percentile. This explains the lack of weight gain on my part, but luckily all the fluids are fine and there is enough placenta left to last us through the due date. From the ultrasound she is all cheeks and lips. Makaela had a round head with chubby cheeks and plump lips too when she was born, so I am very anxious to meet my newest little girl.
Makaela in the delivery room- look at those big cheeks and lips.

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