Friday, May 20, 2011

Movie Night at Seagull School

Tonight we had a movie night at Makaela's school. They try to do cutesy family activities and I try to do as many of them as I can with Makaela, but sometimes it's difficult to do with a full time job and an infant at home. My friend Laura offered to babysit so I took her up on her offer and had her watch Mia while Makaela and I ran off to do some Mommy and daughter bonding time (thanks Laura!!). Her school did a great job. They gave out free popcorn, sold pizza and drinks and had the whole place set up with themed decorations. They showed "Tangled" and even though Makaela has seen it a few times, she still squealed and laughed at all the right moments which made the night lots of fun. She literally sat in my lap the entire movie but the highlight of the night was her looking up and pointing out all the stars in the sky, telling me how "boo-tiful" they all were.

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